Dad’s Day Do’s & Don’ts

Dad’s Day Do’s & Don’ts

Did you know that there are three dads in the We Are Feel Good Inc. founding team?

We’ve got a doctor, a builder and an ex-pro surfer. We’ve also got three amazing mums but this blog is going to focus on the dads because it’s Father’s Day this Sunday (6th of September).If reading this has just reminded you that nothing is organised for dad, don’t stress you’ve got a week and we’ve got you covered.

We wanted to help you make the dads of this world feel special, so we took to the streets to conduct some market research on what dads really want. The verdict… They don’t want jocks or socks this Sunday…Shocker! 

Here’s our list of tips & tricks to be in dads good books this Sunday;

 1. Plan to do something with your dad this Sunday, and make it something he likes doing that you can (happily) participate in.2. Make him a home-made card, the feedback we got is that the age-old saying it’s the thought that counts’ really does ring true. Print some photos, draw a picture and put some of your own words on paper or make him a video – just do it yourself and put some thought into it.

3. Make him breaky in bed! We know this one isn't very original but it's a crowd-pleaser.

4. Clean up after you’ve made him breaky in bed. It’s not really a treat if dad gets out of bed feeling all happy and loved by his family only to find a big mess in the kitchen.5. Believe it or not, your dad was young once too and he’s most likely got some epic stories, so pull up a chair and let dad go to town with his heroic tales.

6. Finish off an amazing Father’s Day with his favourite dinner (and again, don’t make him clean up).


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