The Importance of Sun Care and Regular Skin Checks ft. Ex-Pro Surfer Jake Paterson

The Importance of Sun Care and Regular Skin Checks ft. Ex-Pro Surfer Jake Paterson

Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world so when Ex-Pro Surfer & Professional Surf Coach Jake Paterson noticed an irregular, recurring scab on his head, he headed straight to a Skin Cancer Physician for a skin check.

Q: As a professional surfer, you spent a lot of time outside in the sun. Were you always sun safe out there?

A: Yes I always tried to be sun smart; I always tried to stay out of the sun if possible, covered up when I could and always used sunscreen. 

Q: When did you notice something wasn’t quite right and what happened? 

A: A little over a year ago I had this scab on my head that never seemed to heal, not having hair doesn’t help with sun damage on the top of my head, but my wife kept bugging me to go get checked. My local doctor had one look and said it’s got to come out! 12 stitches later and a big hole in my head… 

Q: Going through what you went through, what is your advice for people who love the outdoors as much as you do?

A: Wear sunscreen, book regular skin checks, and keep doing what you love! They say that we need to check our own skin every 3 months, so that's what I do. And then I book myself in to see the doctor every year around my birthday, that way I can't forget when my last check was. Even if you don't notice anything different, it's better to be safe than sorry.

There you have it folks, from Jake himself, cover up and book yourself in for a skin check.
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