Our 2020 New Years Resolutions!

Our 2020 New Years Resolutions!

Let’s talk 2020!

According to a 2018 survey, the top resolutions for 2019 were to exercise more, lose weight, and save money. And not surprisingly these were the exact same top resolutions as the year before. We’re guessing that these popular but airy-fairy resolutions aren’t really being stuck too because they’re a tad vague, and let’s face it, not that fun.

We sat down as a team & came up with some ideas on how to spice up these common resolutions… oh, and we also added in a couple of our own as well.

So without further ado, here are our Top 7 2020 New Year’s Eve Resolutions.

We think this list ticks all the boxes.

1. Travel

Resolution: Explore What’s at Your Door.

If you’re anything like us, when someone says travel, your brain goes into overload & your heart starts racing with excitement! Where too next? A remote island of the coast of India, Peru’s Machu Picchu, maybe a surf trip to the Maldives or should we start training for a hike to one of the Everest Base Camps.

But sometimes we just need to stop & remember that we live in a traveller’s paradise – our beautiful country has such a range of diverse landscapes that often get over-looked by us.

So this year we are planning on exploring & appreciating our own back yard!

Here’s our current wish list:

-Bremer Bay, WA

-Bay of Fires, TAS

-Kakadu National Park, NT

-The Bungle Bungles, WA

-The Daintree Rainforest, QLD

-Sunda Restaurant, Melbourne, VIC

-Kurangai Chase National Park, NSW

Mossman Gorge, The Daintree by Tourism QLD.

2. Mental Health

Resolution: Be Where You Are.

It sounds a little cliché but we are living in a digital world, it’s fast-moving, it’s in your face and sometimes it’s mentally exhausting. It can be inspiring and educational, but sometimes it can create social distance & un-healthy comparison within our lives.

So in 2020, we’re going to focus on being present and appreciating what we’re doing & where we are doing it! 

How? Each time we feel our selves drifting off into a world of comparison we’re going to stop and name 6 things in our immediate environment that we are grateful for. 

Here, we’ll do it right now (we’re sitting in the We Are Feel Good Inc. Head office). 

  1. Our amazing little team.
  2. The great coffee shop that’s walking distance from us.
  3. The good tune that is playing right now (Tones and I ‘Never Seen the Rain’).
  4. That there are trees outside our window.
  5. That the beach is just a couple of KM’s away.
  6. That the sun is shining!

Need more, here's a link to a meditation app we've been using lately.

Head Space.

3. Physical Health

Resolution: Do it because it ‘feels good’.

Yep, we’re all guilty of saying we’re going to exercise more (and never doing it), so we thought let’s mix this up a bit… Let’s exercise purely for health & the endorphins it creates, not for appearance or because we think we have too!

We understand if going to the gym and running on a treadmill ‘ain’t your thing… but there are a million ways to exercise, so do what makes you feel good and have some fun whilst you’re at it!

Take a dance class, learn to surf, take some friends to a boot camp, climb some trees, go for a beach walk or find your Zen at yoga, whatever it is, make it yours and don’t worry about anyone else thinks.

4. The Environment

Resolution: Set up a We Are Feel Good Inc. Consumer Recycling Program.

If this one sounds extremely specific and like it’s already in the early stages of development, that’s because it is.

We often get questions about our plastic packaging, but what most people don’t know is that in Australia, sunscreen is classed as cosmetic or therapeutic. Because all of our products are SPF50+, we fall into the therapeutic category, and so packaging must be 'food-grade'. This means virgin plastic (as recycled plastics can still contain contaminants after recycling) steel, aluminium or glass and we cannot offer a refill program.

Our bottles are 100% recyclable once used, but there are still have a few hurdles to jump! We are currently working with a local plastic recycling plant, testing correct washing & recycling methods and are hoping to launch a consumer-facing recycling program in the new year.

5. Save Money

Resolution: Make Sunscreen Apart of Your Daily Routine.

You may be thinking that this one was a bit of a stretch, but we are a sunscreen company after all & sun-damage is the leading cause of premature aging in Australia. So investing in your skin now is most likely going to save you some time, money & pain in the future!

Both UVA and UVB are forms of ultraviolet light that penetrate the earth's atmosphere. UVA’s penetrate deep into the skin’s dermis which is the skin's thickest layer (they are around all day and all year long and can penetrate glass). Unprotected UVA exposure can lead to premature aging, wrinkling of the skin and cancer. UVB is what generates a "burn" or redness to the skin. 

6. What about one for the loved ones in your life?

Resolution: Spread The Feel Good.

This one is super simple!!! Love makes the world go around – so whether it’s a friendship, your family, a pet or even a random in the street, tell them what you like about them or just flash them a daily smile!

7. Something Random for 2020!

Resolution: Spice It Up.

We’ll leave this one up to you but we’re thinking something along the lines of…

  1. Learning French.
  2. Taking a Public Speaking Course.
  3. Learning to Belly Dance.
  4. Going to a Spanish cooking class.
  5. Or finally telling that person that you’ve been crushing on them for years. 

Photo by Blake Cheek 

So good luck everyone! Whatever it is that 2020 brings you, we hope you enjoy it!


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