How Does Sunscreen Prevent Aging?
What is photoaging and what causes it?
How do UV rays damage our skin?
Is it possible to reverse sun damage?
How does sunscreen prevent wrinkles?
What’s the best sunscreen to wear?
We’re here to answer the question, does sunscreen prevent wrinkles? The answer is yes, but only if actually wear it.
Aging is inevitable, but if there was one magical product that helped you prevent aging from happening - would you wear it?
According to the World Health Organisation, up to 90% of what we see as skin aging, is actually caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun, in a process called photoaging. Every time we expose our skin to the sun, it ups your risk of skin damage at a cellular level leading to skin cancer. The sun damage is cumulative, and in Australia, can occur in as little as 10 minutes in the sun.
Can we avoid this? Only if you intend to stay indoors for the rest of your life. But for the rest of us, there’s one solution for preventing aging… wear a broad spectrum sunscreen.
Photoaging can be described simply as the premature aging of your skin.
due to sun exposure. Cumulative sun exposure to harmful UV rays not only influences visible damage to the skin like fine lines and wrinkles, but can also cause DNA changes that lead to skin cancers. Unfortunately, it can take years from the time of too much sun exposure until symptoms start to show. Symptoms that cause skin changes vary in intensity due to the amount of exposure your skin has been susceptible to. These symptoms can include decreased elasticity, uneven skin tone and texture, broken capillaries (spider veins), fine lines & wrinkles and other skin conditions like hyperpigmentation.
How do UV rays damage our skin?
Some of you may think, “well my skin isn’t red, so I must not be sunburnt”, but this isn’t always the case. There are two types of ultraviolet light that cause skin damage, UVA and UVB rays, both of which can contribute to skin cancers.
UVA rays are responsible for aging and skin cancer, as they penetrate deep through the layers of our skin. The damage caused can go so far as triggering the breakdown of some of the most important proteins our skin requires to remain looking youthful; collagen and elastin. As these proteins break down over time, the visible signs of aging begin to occur, causing fine lines and wrinkles.
UVA damage is not often visible (e.g. sunburn) and is irreversible. These pesky rays can also easily penetrate windows, so if you’re under direct sunlight or driving for extended periods of time, you should be wearing sun protection on all exposed skin.
On the other hand UVB rays don’t penetrate as deeply as UVA rays, as they generally affect the top layer of our skin and tend to cause redness to the skin, aka “sunburn”. With long term exposure to UVB, we start to develop age spots or sunspots, hyperpigmentation (splotchy pigment), premature aging and even skin cancers.
Don’t think you can hide from UV radiation, these suckers hang around all year! In fact, anytime the UV index is above 3, you are at risk of damage. And in most parts of Australia, this is a regular occurrence even throughout autumn and winter.
Is it possible to reverse sun damage?
Unfortunately, the damage that occurs from exposure to UV light happens at a cellular level and therefore cannot always be reversed. But don’t let that stop you from wearing sunscreen and preventing further damage. There are certain treatments and ingredients high in antioxidants that can help rejuvenate your skin elasticity, like our Good Night Skin Restoring Cream.
So, how does sunscreen prevent wrinkles?
Let’s start with what “SPF” actually means…
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. It refers to how long your sunscreen will protect you before you start to burn (sunburn = sun damage), aka how well it blocks UVB. Because sunscreen cannot block 100% of ultraviolet light, the SPF rating refers to roughly how long it will take for a person's skin to turn red.
An SPF 50 blocks up to 98% of ultraviolet light.
To ensure your sunscreen is offering you the best possible protection, make sure you are using a broad spectrum sunscreen. This means there are added “active” ingredients that help to prevent the longer wavelengths of light (UVA rays) from penetrating your skin. A broad spectrum sunscreen will protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.
Wearing sunscreen while you’re young not only starts you off with good habits, but will help protect your skin and prevent you from developing wrinkles later on.
What’s the best sunscreen to wear?
There are two types of SPF, chemical sunscreens and mineral sunscreens.
Each with different types of sunscreen ingredients or UV filters. Both of which can offer UVA protection and UVB protection. Don’t worry so much about finding the right sunscreen, as both mineral sunscreens and chemical sunscreens have anti aging effects. There is no evidence that one type of sunscreen protects better than the other, so which type you choose to wear is up to you.
So, what’s the one anti aging product you need in your daily skin regime to prevent wrinkles and increase skin clarity? Yep that’s right, a broad spectrum sunscreen. By ensuring your morning moisturiser includes a daily sunscreen with broad spectrum protection, you’ll be that much closer to younger looking skin and that much further from premature aging.
And don’t forget your body, it’s important to apply sunscreen to all areas of exposed skin. Always read the sunscreen label and follow directions for use.
Are you ready to upgrade your skin care regime?
You asked, we listened. Try our all NEW daily sunscreen, Good Morning SPF50 Fragrance Free - the same great formula you love, offering blue light and broad spectrum protection, now in our new fragrance free option.
The best sunscreen is one you actually want to wear, so find one you like and wear it every.single.day!
Please note this product is not water resistant. To shop our water resistant formulas.
*Use sunscreen liberally and reapply according to product directions. Avoid prolonged exposure. Sunscreen is only one component of sun protection, it is important to wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, hats and protective eyewear when exposed to the sun.